
Abandoned storefront turned performing arts space at 37 S. Main Street in Perry, NY

Abandoned storefront turned performing arts space at 37 S. Main Street in Perry, NY

Playing space with marley floor, at 15’ deep by 25” wide. Space seats 60 people

The shop/makerspace, equipped with chop saw, band saw, drill press, tablesaw, drills, router, paint area, etc

Painting by local artist of Theatre@37

Painting by local artist of Theatre@37

Ribbon cutting, December 2017

Ribbon cutting, December 2017

Panoramic shot of Theatre@37 in use during the New York State Puppet Festival’s performance of fifth-generation Japanese puppet master, Koryu Nishikawa V

Panoramic shot of Theatre@37 in use during the New York State Puppet Festival’s performance of fifth-generation Japanese puppet master, Koryu Nishikawa V

For booking information for a performance, rehearsal/meeting space, use of makerspace/shop, or other inquiries, contact